Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Checkpoint Lab - 8 (Secure Internal Communication issue)

Secure Internal Communication issue

During the SIC setup (If you are paying attention to the screenshots) I wanted to change the firewall IP from external to internal (Just experimenting to see what happens). Since I already established trust using the external IP  during "Manager and Firewall hookup lab" when I tried to switch to internal ip I got “Trust could not be established” errors. The only logical think at that time for me to do was to reset SIC  one time pass phrase and try again.
SSH into the MainOffice Firewall and invoke “CPCONFIG

Choose option 5 and hit enter. Input any new activation key/passphrase again (Circled red)

Use option 9 to exit and it was interesting to see what happened next –

After logging in…I initiated the SIC with the internal IP and it was able to connect and established trust. Looks like based on modules that were selected the services were restarted. I will try to read up more and run few other tests and add few notes that I have in progress.

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