Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Windows Service pack switches

Below are the switches that can be used with any or most of the windows SP releases which I found to be very helpful.
/x - Extract the service pack without installing. Will prompt for the folder to which the files needs to be extracted to.
/quiet - No user interaction or display.
/passive - No input needed, displays installation progress bar.
/norestart - Do not restart after installation is complete.
/forcerestart - Restart after installation /warnrestart[time in seconds] - Warn and restart with given time (if time not given, wait 30 seconds).
/promptrestart - Prompt before restarting.
/overwriteoem - Overwrite OEM files without prompting.
/nobackup - Don't back up files necessary for an uninstall.
/forceappclose - Force running applications to close at shutdown.
/integrate - Integrate the update into the path.
/d - Back up files to specific location.
/log - Location for log file.

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