To capture SSL traffic and decrypt it on a virtual we can use the below iRule.
First create the iRule and save it example SSL_Decrypt_iRule
log local0. "Client Side [IP::client_addr][TCP::client_port] :: RSA Session-ID:[SSL::sessionid] Master-Key:[SSL::sessionsecret]"
log local0. "Server Side [IP::client_addr][TCP::client_port] :: RSA Session-ID:[SSL::sessionid] Master-Key:[SSL::sessionsecret]"
After the tcp capture is completed, use the below command from CLI to extract the session keys to the pms file
sed -e 's/^.*\(RSA Session-ID\)/\1/;tx;d;:x' /var/log/ltm > /var/tmp/problem.pms
Now open the pcap and use the pms file to decrypt the requests.