The SQL 2008 server I was using had a instance already set, up and running and was listening on port 1433. Since I did not have any other SQL servers I decided to set up a second instance on the box and assigned it to listen on port 1984. During the installation of SP 2010 after providing the db connection string I got the above error.
The way conn string is provided -
Servername.FDQN\sqlinstance,Port Number
Example -\testdb,1984
The way to resolve this error is first System DSN needs to be configured on the SP server. The below configuration is for 64 bit server. If you have 32 bit server you can go directly to Admin tools - Data Sources and set up the system DSN.
Select Client Configuration
So going back to the SP 2010 install now give the conn string as\dbtest and that should resolve the issue. Make sure the id used to install SP 2010 and making this sql connection has dbcreator and securityadmin role on the db instance.